Our clinic offers a variety of therapies that are clinically proven to help manage stress and anxiety.

Does this sound like you?

● You often feel overwhelmed.
● You tend to overthink things leaving you frustrated and drained.
● You struggle to switch off and relax.
● You feel your anxiety is getting worse and it is getting you down.
● You worry your stress and anxiety is making you feel physically unwell.
● You often struggle with thoughts racing through your mind, disturbing you sleep.
● You suffer from panic attacks and are fearful of them.

Stress and anxiety are a growing problem in modern society with more and more people in the UK reporting having experienced feelings of stress and anxiety than ever before. Stress occurs when we feel unable to cope with the mental or emotional pressures placed upon us. Common sources of stress are work pressure, money problems, relationship difficulties, bereavement or serious illness and disability. Even happy events like planning a wedding or having a baby can be stressful.

Managing Stress & Anxiety in Oxford

How we can help manage your stress & anxiety

Feelings of stress in the short term are quite normal but long term exposure to stress can cause significant problems in our mental and physical well being. In physical terms prolonged stress can cause high blood pressure, increased tension in the muscular system and suppress the immune system. It can also affect our mental health causing feelings of anxiety and lead to depression.

Mindfulness involves the practice of mental exercises and simple meditation techniques that can alleviate stress and help promote positive emotions and reduce feelings of anxiety – learn more about our Mindfulness courses here.

Talking Therapies such as Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Psychotherapy are also very effective ways to treat stress and anxiety – find out more.

There are lots of simple ways to help deal with stress. Getting some exercise, eating a healthy diet or spending time in nature all help improve feelings of stress and anxiety. If you are worried about your stress levels then consult your GP or seek advice from a suitable healthcare professional.

To speak to one of our therapists and see how we can help you to manage your stress and anxiety please get in touch